The budgetary health institution of the Omsk region “Maternity hospital No. 2” is one of the obstetric care institutions that provides highly qualified obstetric and gynecological medical care in 13 medical specialties, including specialized in 5 areas, founded in 1963.
The Maternity Hospital No. 2 BUZOO uses more than 1000 modern diagnostic and treatment methods. Most jobs are computerized and networked.
The priority area of ??the Maternity Hospital is the provision of affordable, qualified and high-quality medical care for women at all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period and neonatal care for newborns.
The maternity hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment and equipment, is provided with the necessary medicines and is staffed with qualified personnel - more than 80% of doctors and 70% of nurses have the highest and first qualification category. All this allows us to provide highly qualified medical care to pregnant women, women in labor, women in childbirth and newborns.
Every year, the Maternity Hospital provides assistance to more than 7000 patients, in the outpatient service, which is carried out by two women's consultations for 500 visits per shift, 4 specialized appointments are conducted.
The team employs highly qualified specialists who are awarded with Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Honorary Diplomas of the Government of the Omsk Region, and are also awarded the badge "Excellent Health.
Maternity hospital structure:

Inpatient treatment and diagnostic structural units:

Patrimonial department;

Obstetric physiological department (50 beds);

Obstetric department of pregnancy pathology (30 beds and 5 places of day care);

Department of Anesthesiology-Resuscitation (6 beds);

Intensive care unit for newborns (6 beds);

Department of Newborns (54 beds);

Gynecological department (25 beds and 5 places of day care);

Clinical diagnostic laboratory;

Centralized sterilization unit;

Outpatient departments:

Women's consultation number 1 (day hospital 25 beds);

Women's consultation number 2 (day hospital 10 beds);

The maternity hospital performs the following functions

• providing obstetric and gynecological care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, medical care for newborns, as well as women with diseases of the reproductive system in stationary conditions;

• introduction of modern perinatal family-oriented technologies (demedicalization of childbirth, partner birth, joint stay of the mother and

baby, early breastfeeding, priority of breastfeeding, prevention of hypothermia in newborns);

• prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the reproductive system;

• provision of medical care in connection with artificial termination of pregnancy;

• sanitary and hygienic training for women on breastfeeding, prevention of diseases of the reproductive system, abortion and sexually transmitted infections;

• establishing medical indications and referring women and newborns to medical organizations to provide them with specialized, including high-tech, medical care;

• conducting an examination of temporary disability, issuing disability certificates to women during pregnancy and childbirth;

• participation in the direction of women with signs of permanent disability for medical and social examination;

• organization and maintenance of a sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic regime in order to prevent and reduce the incidence of nosocomial infections of women, newborns and medical workers;

• conducting clinical and expert assessment of the quality of medical care for women and newborns;

• analysis of the causes of gynecological diseases, obstetric and extragenital complications in women, the incidence of newborns;

• statistical monitoring and analysis of the causes of maternal and perinatal mortality;

• provision of vaccine prophylaxis for newborns, neonatal and audiological screening;

• catering for women and newborns during their stay in the maternity hospital;

• interaction with a women's consultation, which is not part of it, an ambulance station (department), a polyclinic, a children's clinic, as well as with other medical organizations (anti-tuberculosis, skin venereologic, cancer dispensaries, AIDS prevention and control centers);

• provision of antiretroviral prophylaxis for perinatal transmission of HIV infection to HIV-infected women in labor and their newborns;

• organization of professional development for doctors and medical workers with secondary medical education

• maintaining accounting and reporting documentation, providing activity reports in the prescribed manner, collecting data for registers, the maintenance of which is provided for by law.

       In 2007, the maternity ward received the honorary international title of “Hospital for the Friendly Treatment of Mother and Child”. Obtaining this title was facilitated by works aimed at the development of modern technologies for obstetric care, breastfeeding, childbirth based on family participation, joint stay in the ward of mother and child. In the future, it is considered in accordance with WHO recommendations to support sparing and careful management of childbirth, taking into account indications and contraindications, the use of alternative to traditional - delivery - "vertical birth". The free behavior of a woman in childbirth (the possibility of taking a shower, a comfortable position in childbirth, etc.) is envisaged, which contributes to a more physiological and less traumatic (especially for the fetus) management of the second period of childbirth. In addition, much attention is paid to pain relief during childbirth and anesthesia during surgical interventions; Widely used modern safe methods of anesthesia.

      The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the maternity hospital has the necessary material and technical base to conduct work aimed at the main goal: to promptly, reliably and fully identify the risk of complications in the mother and newborn. The choice of the most informative and important laboratory tests allows for the qualitative diagnosis of pathological processes. The staff is certified and highly qualified. The laboratory takes part in the Federal Quality Control of Clinical Laboratory Research.


biochemical laboratory;

isoserological laboratory;

express laboratory;

maternity hospital clinical research laboratory;

Clinical Research Laboratory, Women's Clinic No. 1;

Clinical Research Laboratory, Women's Consultation No. 2;

Types of research:


Chemical microscopic studies of biological fluids;

Biochemical studies

Cytological studies;



Medical assistance to foreign citizens temporarily staying or permanently residing in the Russian Federation is provided in the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk Region “Maternity Hospital No. 2” in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.03.2016 No. 186 “On approval of the rules for the provision of medical assistance to foreign citizens on the territory of Russian Federation".

• foreign citizens who are insured in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation” are entitled to free medical care under compulsory medical insurance;

• medical assistance to foreign citizens is provided in accordance with agreements on the provision of paid medical services or voluntary medical insurance agreements.

See the price list of paid medical and non-medical services:

The provision of paid medical services is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 No. 1006 “On approval of the rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations”.

Contact Information:

Посмотреть на карте Омска

Maternity hospital №2
Address: st. Trunk 29
Phone: (3812) 67-34-13 (informative) (3812) 67-33-51 (reception)
Women's consultation number 1
Address: st. Energregikov, 15
Phone: (3812) 26-98-71 (reception) (3812) 67-02-54 (reception)
Phone Head women's consultation (3812) 67-27-14
Women's consultation number 2
Address: st. 4th North, 5, stop "Sibzavod"
Phone: (3812) 21-02-23 (reception)
Phone Head women's consultation (3812) 23-62-53